HHO Torch Kit

  • Shipping Weight: 20lbs
  • Units in Stock: 4

Starting at: $580.00

H2eat HHO Torch Kit.   This torch kit comes with everything in the photo. One 14/7 HHO Cell block, 1.5 quart water tank, with fittings, hose, hose clamps, 5" dryer filter10" water bubbler, your choice of single tip torch or mini burner (3 tips) for cooking or heating. Has 4 built in safety arrestors. Flashback material in torch handle or mini burner, then a 5" dryer/filter is another spark back arrestor, the 10" bubbler/scrubber takes the electrolyte off the HHO gas, another spark arrestor, then the 4th water/bubbler refill water tank. Refill with distilled or R.O. Water. One time mix of 10% NaOH electrolyte. You put together the setup, or place in a box. Not a consumer product, not at all EPA or SAE approved! We feel this Torch kit is safest enough to sell as a experimental torch kit. Safest and cleanest gas on the planet. We have run this setup for 2 winters heating up our shop with one single torch into 11 stainless steel tubes down the center of the center tube and a array of tubes around the center tube transferring the heat into the room. Little maintance, just add distilled water. Runs at 130 watts ( 1" inch constant flame) to 650 watts. ( 5 to 7" long fame, single tip torch) You will need a 12v power supply 10 to 50 amps. A Battery re-charger or Power supply. We hook up to a 12v car battery back up with a battery re-charger (10 amp to 60 amps). Power from the 120v or 220v AC socket. You provide the power. Runs off direct DC power, no pulsing or PWM. Control the flame size by your power supply. Select a power supply with varied amp out put.
HHO flame can penetrate stainless steel, glass, bricks, can be used for jewelry welding, light welding. heating a room. Cleans the ozone in the room. Some use the HHO gas to melt gold and sliver and platinum metals out of quartz rocks. Comes with operating instructions and precautions. Have respect for the HHO gas and it will be your friend. Show your friends and classmates, everyone is fascinated that you can produce a flame from electricity, electrolyte and water. Safe to breathe, no venting is needed. Cleans the ozone in the air in your room, shop and also takes out radiation! Want a larger flame? or larger burner? add a larger cell block or larger burner. Add a 26 plate HHO cell and make a bigger flame and run the cell at 60 amps for 2 hours, before getting the cell too hot. When running the cell at max. output you must watch the cell for heat. If it gets up to 120ºƒ you must shut it down.

HHO Burner Test date and power consumption

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